Monday, July 13, 2020

Books Online Free Last and First Men/Star Maker Download

Define Containing Books Last and First Men/Star Maker

Title:Last and First Men/Star Maker
Author:Olaf Stapledon
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 438 pages
Published:June 1st 1968 by Dover Publications (first published 1937)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Science Fiction Fantasy
Books Online Free Last and First Men/Star Maker  Download
Last and First Men/Star Maker Paperback | Pages: 438 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 538 Users | 39 Reviews

Commentary During Books Last and First Men/Star Maker

The greatest future histories in science fiction. In Last and First Men the protagonist is "mankind" in an ultimate definition — intelligence. Star Maker, in a sense its sequel, is concerned with the history of intelligence in the entire cosmos.

Identify Books To Last and First Men/Star Maker

Original Title: Last and First Men/Star Maker
ISBN: 0486219623 (ISBN13: 9780486219622)
Edition Language: English URL

Rating Containing Books Last and First Men/Star Maker
Ratings: 4.03 From 538 Users | 39 Reviews

Commentary Containing Books Last and First Men/Star Maker
Have to agree with all of your comments. I first read this when I was younger and it did blow my mind. The range over time and the scope of the work is enormous. The imaginative focus on man's possibility through the universe and beyond is something enthralling and spectacular. I would have every child in Primary school read this work for its prospect of what is possible for human kind.But it is both pessimistic as well as hopeful and some of the "forecasts" for various Empires and people are

Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon 1937 (Read in February 2011)This novel is narrated by an anonymous Englishman who one midnight climbs a hill behind his house to look at the stars and finds his consciousness transported from the earth far out into the galaxy. The journey ultimately takes the narrator through the entire galaxy and across eons of time from the birth of the universe to the final dying out of its last living creatures. Stapledon imagines enough worlds, beings, and events to fill scores

I just couldn't get through this book. maybe one day I'll try again...

Read Star Maker yet again. I used it as source material for a Creating Realistic Animal Characters workshop at Anthrocon 2010. Written in the 1930's-1940's and still mind-blazingly brilliant. I have lost count of all the times I have pored over this book. Stapledon's novel Sirius: A Tale of Love and Discord, was a direct inspiration for my Ratha prehistoric cat series.

A somewhere between good and very good sci-fi. Give it a chance.

Interesting with an older more formal and florid writing style that took me a while to get used to and philosophical beliefs ideas that are in some ways rather disturbing or uncomfortable and in other ways amusingly archaic for a 21st century reader. Can't say I liked it on an emotional level but I can see why it is referred to as a classic.

This review is only for Last and First Men as I have not yet read Star Maker. Last and First Men4.0 stars. WOW, this book is in a class all by itself for originality, imagination and scope. I can not believe I have not heard more about this book as being one of the true "classics" of science fiction. Written in the 1930's, this is a future history that tells the story of mankind over a span of 2 billion years (yes billion with a B) from 1930 until approximately the year 2,000,000,000. During


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