Thursday, July 2, 2020

Free Nightseer Books Online

Describe Books To Nightseer

Original Title: Nightseer
ISBN: 0451451430 (ISBN13: 9780451451439)
Edition Language: English
Free Nightseer  Books Online
Nightseer Paperback | Pages: 303 pages
Rating: 3.74 | 6368 Users | 266 Reviews

Present Regarding Books Nightseer

Author:Laurell K. Hamilton
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 303 pages
Published:March 3rd 1992 by Roc
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Fiction

Interpretation Conducive To Books Nightseer

Keleios the Half-Elf was but five years old when she saw her mother murdered by the evil witch Harque. For years she has asked the gods for the strength she'll need to avenge this foul death, and it seems the gods have answered her. She's been granted an array of powers never before seen in one person, but she has also acquired a most terrifying burden, a demonmark. This mark can open the door to undreamed abilities, but it can also open her soul to the forbidden dark side of magic. Keleios must choose between the demonmark's tainted power and the lives of those she holds most dear. In an epic battle of good versus evil, of enchanted swords and shapeshifting dragons, of unquenchable hatred and unlikely love, Keleios must face her own demons—before she can acquire the most important power of all: the power to forgive.

Rating Regarding Books Nightseer
Ratings: 3.74 From 6368 Users | 266 Reviews

Appraise Regarding Books Nightseer
Ugh, I hate elves and shit.

I only have one complaint. It felt like the book was the middle book of say... a trilogy? So many characters are thrust upon you it feels like in a second book where you're already acquainted with most of them. The end also leaves you wanting more! Of course which Laurell k Hamilton book doesnt? BUT you dont receive a second book and never will, sad day. With that being said i did enjoy it! It was a bit hard to dive in to in the beginning getting every character sorted but after that i fell in

Ok, this is one of Laurell's books from back in the day when she actually gave a damn about her work. Right now all she seems to care about is cranking out enough sex scenes to make a novel length and sending it in so that her publisher will send her a check.This is a good fantasy story, probably intended to be the first of a duo or trilogy as the way it ends seems to imply that there will be more to follow. Unfortunately, I haven't found another book in this series and right now I'm hoping that

As entertaining as this book was, I must admit I did not enjoy it as much as all other Laurell K. Hamilton books I have read. I feel the book was mostly slow throughout, no real climax, and when the book ended, it just ended. No real resolution of some of the other characters that were initially vital in the book and just left hanging as to closure on other events. I feel incomplete and let down by the whole experience of this book. I hate to say that about one of my favorite authors, but

Fantasy novel focussing on a young noble named Kelios with some very unusual powers, who is going to a place of learning for magic. A very big part of her life is a memory of her mother's death and a vendetta against her mother's murderer. I picked this up because I was interested to see Hamilton's earlier work. This has a very different voice from the paranormal/urban fantasy novels Hamilton is famous for. It's a straight fantasy, and the writing is in an easy to read style, but this book feels

In this fantasy book, Keleios is master enchanter and master dreamer who suddenly finds herself having to go back to magic school at twenty when she suddenly finds herself to have sorcery as well. A half-elf princess whose mother was murdered in front of her eyes at the age of five, Keleios has sought revenge against the witch for years. At seventeen, her thirst for revenge caused the capture of herself and her close friend Belor and ended with them having to survive a demon pit and the demon

I don't think I've ever seen a better case for books needing editors. I understand the whole cashing in on an established author's name by dredging up everything they've ever written thing, but this isn't a book and it's not a story: it's a scene and a verbose and over-long one at that. There's no plot, no theme, no characterization, no setting up the (nonexistent) plot, no resolution of, well, anything. That there are a few entertaining and imaginative elements here is nothing but tease.


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